Nicor Gas provides natural gas services to 2.2 million people throughout the northern half of Illinois, excluding Chicago. They also offer their customers a variety of ways to pay their bills including online payments.
Nicor Gas – moBill: Pay your bill from your smartphone
About Nicor Gas Nicor Gas customers added this company profile to the doxo Directory. doxo is used by these customers to manage and pay their Nicor Gas bills all in one place. When adding Nicor Gas to their Bills & Accounts List, doxo Users indicate the types of services they receive from Nicor Gas, which determines the service and industry group shown in this profile of Nicor Gas.
General information about Nicor Gas
Services doxo users have associated this company with these services. : | Gas |
Industry Groups Industry groups comprise multiple related services. : | Utilities |
Service Area doxo users have indicated this company does business in these areas. : | Illinois |
How Can I Pay My Nicor Bill?
Nicor offers a variety of ways for you to pay Nicor bills online. Customers have the option to choose between traditional and online payment options.
Online Payment Options
Does Nicor charge for credit card payments?
Can I have two Nicor accounts?
What is Nicor bill?
When you enroll an account in moBill, you’ll be able to receive and pay your monthly bill through your smartphone’s native mobile wallet – Apple Wallet (iPhone) or Google Pay (Android).
Is Nicor and Peoples Gas the same?