Learn about how to pay your bill, how to set up auto payment, how to cancel account and contact customer support for rwud bill pay by using the official links that we have provided below.
Russellville Whitesburg Utility District – Serving Hamblen …
Pay by Telephone … We accept credit and debit cards by telephone. To make a payment , please call (423) 586-2232 and select option #1. To speak with a customer … Billing & Payments · Customer Service · About Us. Annual Water Quality Report. RWUD encourages you to view our Water Quality Report. RWUD ; P.O. Box 450; Russellville, TN 37860 … DELIQUENT BILLS PAID AFTER 3:30 ON CUT-OFF DAY WILL BE RECONNECTED THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY … Paying online takes time out of your busy schedule. If you provide us with a (A) voided … You will still receive your bill in the mail monthly also!!
Russellville Whitesburg Utility District – Billing … – RWUD
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I make a payment with RWU?
Payments made in office or auto draft via bank account with RWU do not have convenience fees. You can make payment in person at our office located at 601 S 2nd St in downtown Rogers. We offer walk-in service as well as drive-through service. *Payments made through Paymentus online or over the phone incur a convenience fee.
How do I pay my Rockwood water bill?
Rockwood Water does not endorse third party payment services such as DOXO, Mint Bills, etc. Click on the “Make a Payment” link above to pay your bill on the Municipal Online Payments website. We accept the following payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Electronic Check.
How do I pay my Rural Water District Bill?
Logan County Rural Water District No. 1 offers a wide variety of convenient payment options for our customers. Simply choose the option that best suits your needs. The Office is temporarilty closed due to Covid-19. You may pay your bill through the drive-through window.
How do I contact rwpud customer service?
Thank you, and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at 503-665-4179 or customerservice@rwpud.org. Following is the address change: By working collaboratively, the Consortium and its members achieve economies of scale implementing regional programs that save customers money.