Gi Bill Pay Okinawa & Customer Service

Learn about how to pay your bill, how to set up auto payment, how to cancel account and contact customer support for gi bill pay okinawa by using the official links that we have provided below.

G.I. Bill Pay Service, Inc.

Monthly Automatic Bill Payments For Your Convenience … pay your bills . … Our offices are conveniently located in Okinawa , Yokosuka, Misawa, and Sasebo.

Okinawa – G.I. Bill Pay

Please send an email to and we will send you an email and contract to start the signup process. We can also take your sign up at our office but request that you make an appointment. Please click the button below to make an appointment at our office. u0013 u0013u0013

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I pay my bills in Okinawa?

GI Bill Pay – Okinawa Bill Payment Service G.I Bill Pay facilitate the payment of all your bills both on and off base. They have locations across Japan including a local location on Kadena AB.

What is GI Bill Pay service?

G.I. Bill Pay Service commits to providing U.S. military personnel and affiliates who are serving their country overseas with a bill paying service that is safe and reliable, improving their quality of life and relations with the host country at the same time.

What is E-Z Pay in Okinawa?

E-Z Pay is one of the most convenient and easiest ways to paying your bills while on Okinawa—hence their name. What E-Z Pay does is take the hassle out of paying your bills by connecting your U.S. bank account to withdraw dollars. Once withdrawn, they then convert it to yen and pay all the local bills that they can for you.

Where can I pay my military bills in Japan?

G.I Bill Pay facilitate the payment of all your bills both on and off base. They have locations across Japan including a local location on Kadena AB inside the USO. Saturday from 10am – 4pm

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