Learn about how to pay your bill, how to set up auto payment, how to cancel account and contact customer support for frontier gas bill pay by using the official links that we have provided below.
Kentucky Frontier Gas
Kentucky Frontier Gas Customers can now Pay Online and set up Auto Payments through Xpress Bill Pay – just click the button below! Kentucky Frontier Gas Customers can now Apply for commercial or residential service, Pay Online , and set up Auto Payments through Xpress Bill Pay – just click …
Pay My Frontier Bill | Frontier.com | Frontier
Pay by Phone Choose our Automated System: 1.800.801.6652. There is no fee for using the automated system. Have your 17-digit Frontier account number from your bill handy when you call. Pay by checking account, debit card or major credit card. Payment is posted to your account immediately. Or you may pay your bill by speaking with a Frontier Agent.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay my Kentucky frontier gas bill online?
Kentucky Frontier Gas Customers can now Pay Online and set up Auto Payments through Xpress Bill Pay – just click the button below! Our customers can pay a monthly bill with a Credit Card or by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer/Check) – just click on the button above and set up an account with XPressBillPay.com or contact KFG directly at 606-886-2431.
How do I pay my Frontier Airlines bill by phone?
To pay your Frontier bill by phone, call automated payment service at 1.800.801.6652 and have your account number ready. There is a $3.50 convenience fee for paying your bill through the automated payment service.
Is there a fee to make a payment to frontier?
No fee. Pay by check or money order made out to Frontier Communications. Payment is posted to your account after 5:30 p.m. on the day it is received. If you need to make an overnight payment, send to: Frontier Communications.
How do I contact frontier utilities customer service?
Should you have any questions or concerns, please email us at care@frontierutilities.com or log in and message us through the message center. It’s easy to pay your bill, check that we’ve received your payment, and easily review and renew your plan. It’s easy to pay your bill in one click and check we’ve received your latest payment.